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Potential Student

Undergraduate Program

The Undergraduate Program enrolls 47 senior high school graduates. In principle, this program enrolls 8 students via Star Plan, 20 students via admission by recommendation and screening, and 19 students via Advanced Subjects Test. If the Star Plan and admission by recommendation and screening fail to enroll the target number of students, the remaining quota will be allocated to the Advanced Subjects Test.(The actual enrollment quotas are subject to the regulations specified in the admissions brochure for that academic year.)

For students applying for admission via Star Plan and admission by recommendation and screening, the admission is determined by the scores of Chinese, English, and math in the General Scholastic Ability Test. For students applying for admission via the Advanced Subjects Test, the admission is determined by the scores of Chinese, English, math, and civic science.

This program also enrolls foreign students and overseas Chinese students from Hong Kong and Macao. Those who apply for this admission to this program must have a good level of Chinese reading and speaking skills in order to understand the teaching content of the law courses.

In-service Bachelor Program

This program enrolls 50 in-service personnel who graduated from colleges and universities in Taiwan and abroad and have had more than one year of work experience, and the admission is determined by the review of application documents. The applicants need to submit the certificate of academic qualifications, certificate of service years, certificate of work experience, autobiography or expertise reports, study plan or other materials that are sufficient to prove the effectiveness of this study.

This program does not enroll foreign students and overseas Chinese students from Hong Kong and Macao.

The courses of this program are scheduled from Monday to Friday from 18:20 to 21:55. Under certain conditions, students can take the Undergraduate Program courses.

Master Program

Department of Economic and Financial Law enrolls 8-10 graduates from university or higher. Applicants from non-related fields are required to take courses in General Principles of Criminal Law, General Principles of Civil Law, Civil Law—Obligation, and Administrative Law upon admission.

Department of Economic and Financial Law is determined by the written examination. Subjects of written examination: Property Law and General Principles of Criminal Law ; the admission is determined based on the score of examination.