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Department Office

♦ Departmental Office ♦

■ Name: Lai Yi-Shan

■ Telephone: 07-5919298, 07-5919299

■ Fax: 07-5919301

■ Office Location: Department of Finance and Law, 3rd floor, College of Law

■ Email: defl@nuk.edu.tw

■ Responsibilities:

  1. Departmental Affairs

    • Appointment, promotion, and research leave for full-time and adjunct faculty, as well as formulation and modification of related evaluation methods and documents.
    • Performance evaluation of full-time faculty.
    • Elections for various college-level committees and recommendations for awards.
    • Preparation of departmental meetings, meeting arrangements, and production of meeting records.
    • Management of property and assets.
    • Assistance in organizing lectures or seminars for departmental faculty.
  2. Research and Development Affairs

    • Academic evaluation, signing of academic collaborations, and assistance to faculty in applying for awards and grants for academic achievements.
  3. Accounting Affairs

    • Management and disbursement control of teaching and counseling funds.
    • Management and disbursement control of surplus funds for continuing education.
  4. Others

♦ Department Office Opening Hours ♦




Wednesday Thursday  Friday  Saturday Sunday
08:30-12:00 Open Open Open Open Open    

National holidays and scheduled days off are not open.

12:00-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-18:00 Open Open Open Open Open
18:00-21:00 Open Open Open Open Open


■ Assistant: Miss Lai Yi-Shan


■ Working Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30-18:00

   Important matters requiring meetings or discussions should be handled at the department's office before 5:00 PM.

■ The department office will be closed in the evenings during winter and summer vacations.